There are key elements to any successful company; two of the most important elements include: your product and the people who make your business run.  These people, which may include family members, are the core of your business’ existence.  Together you are working to achieve great things; it’s important that those relationships are nurtured in order to be successful.

Inc. contributor, Jacob Morgan said this in a article, “Out of all the employees and business leaders whom I have interviewed over the years, the vast majority of them have always told me that culture is what they care about most. Unlike the physical and technological environments, cultural environment isn’t something that you can see, taste, touch, or breath in. This is the only environment that you feel.”

At THP we have a family mission and seven core values that are an integral part of our culture and purpose.  As a family business, there are family values that we have weaved into our professional relationships that have only enhanced our ability to successfully achieve the mission, values, and goals we have set at THP.  These include:

  • Mutual Respect – Respect is an incredibly important value in the Asian culture, especially toward elders.  After all, the senior members take responsibility for setting the “tone at the top.”  However, there is a commitment in our family and in the company for older members to recognize and respect the differences of younger generations.  There is priority placed on respect given mutually and an understanding that each individual has something to contribute.  
  • Transparency – At THP, we also try to promote open communication and do not believe in hoarding information. Like other companies, THP has a strategy, which it wants to keep confidential for competitive reasons. However, we believe in communicating openly with each other regarding goals, results, performance, and more within our organization.  As a family we are a big believer in self-improvement through learning. That is a trait we want fostered within our company culture. We want to pass on that knowledge to others and encourage honest dialogues among our co-workers.
  • Sense of Humor and Fun – Families laugh and have fun together, why can’t coworkers do the same? Hard work is much more enjoyable if there is an element of “fun” and humor that is appreciated.  Of course there is an appropriate time and place for these experiences, but employees will enjoy their work more with a humor-friendly environment.  Company culture will be more positive if employees feel comfortable being themselves and getting to know one another while being productive.  

THP is such a significant part of our family; its success is in part due to the values we have diligently incorporated into our company’s culture.  Just as we have sought to recognize and embrace those values, so should other businesses seek to integrate those characteristics they value most into the fabric of their culture.  Learn more about how we’ve created a family business that competes against “giants” in my latest book and learn more.